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International Forum on Modern Hydropower held in Beijing for experience and knowledge sharing


On October 19, 2018, the International Forum on Modern Hydropower was held in Beijing jointly by IWHR, International Hydropower Association (IHA), China Electric Power Construction Group Co., Ltd. and China Three Gorges Corporation. Nearly 80 Chinese and foreign representatives from more than 30 organizations, institutes and companies attended the meeting. Xia Lianqiang from IWHR, Sun Zhiyu, deputy general manager of China Three Gorges Corporation, Zheng Shengan, president of China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI), Wu Yihang, executive deputy secretary general of the China Hydropower Engineering Society (CHES), and Richard Taylor, executive CEO of IHA addressed the forum.

In his opening speech, Xia Lianqiang pointed out that under the long-timeguidance and strong support of the Ministry of Water Resources and the National Energy Administration, IWHR has made tremendous achievements in implementing sustainable hydropower assessment protocols, as well as the policies, regulations and major strategic issues for sustainable development of hydropower. He thanked the major power generation groups, construction and design units and river basin companies for their support and assistance.

In his speech, Richard Taylor introduced the current status and development trends of international hydropower development. Sun Zhiyu reviewed the cooperation between China Three Gorges Corporation and IHA. Zheng Shengan introduced the practices and achievements in the construction of international hydropower projects, the promotion of sustainable development of hydropower and digital management initiatives. Wu Yihang introduced China's hydropower development from an international perspective.

Based on the theme “Managing Sustainability, Digitalization and Climate Change”, panelists shared successful initiatives and case studies on sustainability, digitization and climate change around the world, discussing how decision makers can be used to improve the performance of hydropower projects. Experience, knowledge and tools and ensure that they are able to deliver satisfactory, sustainable results to meet broader water and energy policy expectations.

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