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EDF hydropower experts visit IWHR for technical exchange and lab tours


On September 17, 2018, Electricite De France (EDF) Senior engineer for command control of hydropower projects Mr. Jean-Fran?ois Balmitgère and two other hydropower experts visited IWHR for technical exchange and promotion of cooperation under an MOU signed with IWHR in 2015, and were received by IWHR Vice President Dr. Peng Jing.

During the meeting, Dr. Peng briefly reviewed the progress of cooperation between EDF and IWHR, and talked about the future plans under the umbrella of the MOU signed by both sides in May 2015, which is for cooperation in hydraulic engineering and research. She hoped collaborated researches can be promoted in future in fields of hydropower project safety, standards for designing hydraulic structures of nuclear power stations, hybrid power generating technology of renewable energies, etc.

Mr. Balmitgère briefed the attendees on the organizational and business adjustments, strategic plan and goals of the French power generating company, and made a concise report on the cooperation progress with IWHR on fields of CFRD technology, dam safety, electro-mechanical equipment, sediment management, seismic engineering and automatic monitoring.

The French delegates will be in Beijing for the next few days for technical exchange and tours.


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