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IAHR President Peter Goodwin visits IWHR and lectures on river ecological restoration


Prof. Peter Goodwin, President of International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), accompanied by IAHR Vice President James Ball and Executive Director Christopher George, visited IWHR on January 18, 2018, attending IAHR Executive Board Meeting held at IWHR and lecturing at IWHR’s Global Vision Forum. IWHR President Kuang Shangfu received the IAHR senior representatives at IWHR headquarters.

Dr. Kuang expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks for IAHR high-level delegation visiting IWHR and long-term support to IWHR from IAHR community. He reviewed the substantial development achieved by IAHR under the leadership of Prof. Peter Goodwin in promoting disciplinary development, journal publishing, academic exchanges, bilateral collaboration, sci-tech promotion, platform support, international influence, and so on. Dr. Kuang also noted that IAHR Secretariat (Beijing) had also obtained plentiful achievement in terms of capacity building, staffing, standardized management, and informatization upgrading. Dr. Kuang promised that IWHR would give its due support to IAHR as always and hoped to get more intellectual and technical support from IAHR.

Prof. Goodwin thanked IWHR for the long-term and strong support to IAHR. He noted that, the Chinese government had put ecological environment protection to an unprecedented height and IAHR would like to make its due contributions helping China accomplish its great goal of building a country with green hills and clear waters. He also hoped that IWHR could have a wider and deeper involvement in IAHR activities and related work.

Prof. Peter Goodwin lectures at IWHR Global Vision Forum

In the afternoon, Prof. Peter Goodwin lectured at the Global Vision Forum with the title “Challenges of Determining Ecologically Functioning Flows in Regulated Rivers”. IWHR Vice President Peng Jing chaired the lecture. Prof. Goodwin talked about the influence of dam operation and river cut-off to the ecological environment upstream and downstream, with an emphasis on the influencing factors including water temperature, discharge quantity, ice layer, pollutants and son on. He also introduced the new technologies and tools for river restoration and fish tracking. The lecture received warm responses from the audience.

At the Global Vision Forum

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