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Vice President of Cuba National Institute of Water Resources Visits for Deepening Cooperation


Vice president of the Cuba National Institute of Water Resources Mr. Antonio Rodriguez visited IWHR with a delegation of four on December 17, 2014 and talked about cooperation upon early warning and forecast for flood control and water regime monitoring.

IWHR President Kuang Shangfu met the delegation with warm welcome. With a brief review of the bilateral cooperation, he committed that IWHR will fully support the China-Cuba cooperation MOU especially in the fields of integrated water resources management, early warning and forecast for flood control and automatic monitoring of water information, etc. through personnel training, capacity building and technological cooperation.

Mr. Antonio Rodriguez highly appreciated the reception of IWHR and spoke highly of the great achievement of China in water resources development and management. He also introduced the status quo of water resources development in Cuba, water related disasters in particular, and the urgent need to establish the basin-wide early warning and forecast system for flood control. He sincerely looks forward the strengthened collaboration with China in terms of introducing facilities, personnel training and technical consultancy.

At the meeting, Mr. Huang Jinchi, chief engineer of the Research Center on Flood and Drought Disaster Reduction, delivered a presentation about the representative projects of IWHR in flood risk mapping, embankment liability study, flashflood control, decision support system for flood control, storm water reuse, dam safety management, and management system for drought information, etc. Delegates of Cuba also made relevant introduction about the Institute, and also the current situation of water infrastructure and water related disaster in Cuba.

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