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IWMI President Visits on Implementation of MOU


International Water Management Institute (IWMI) President Jeremy Bird visited IWHR on November 14, 2014 and met with IWHR President Kuang Shangfu for a discussion on the implementation of the MOU signed between both sides on May 19, 2014.

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Dr. Kuang welcomed Mr. Bird’s second visit in the year. He said the recent years marked an exceptional window of opportunity for water resources development in China, and the central government has made strategic deployment for water sector reform and infrastructure development. In particular, he mentioned the efficient irrigation project in northeast China, water safety in rural area, construction of major water projects, flood control of small and medium rivers, and prevention and treatment of flashfloods. Dr. Kuang said IWHR is willing to enhance cooperation and learn from advanced international experience for research innovation and knowledge sharing.

Mr. Bird, whose major mission for his visiting China this time is to attend an international conference on water-energy-food nexus, expressed his concerns on integrated water resources management, water quality and ecological environment, water-related disasters and efficient irrigation. He said the international community needs to join hands to tackle the shared challenges. To implement the signed MOU, he proposed personnel exchange be started next year.

Dr. Kuang agreed on the visiting president’s proposal. Discussions were continued on joint application for research projects, participation of international conferences, while more details were discussed on mutual visits of experts. Dr. Kuang also invited Mr. Bird to the Global Vision Forum of IWHR for a speech, which Mr. Bird gladly accepted.

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