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USACE Senior Advisor Lectures at IWHR Global Vision Forum


Mr. Jerome Delli Priscoli, Senior Advisor of Institute for Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineering (USACE) paid a visit to IWHR and lectured at its Global Vision Forum.

IWHR Vice President Liu Zhiping met the guest before the forum. He welcomed Mr. Priscoli and praised him for his great contribution to promoting the Sino-US exchange and cooperation in water related science and technology, and for his strong support for Chinese officials and experts in taking positions in among others the World Water Forum and World Water Council. Liu expressed his hope for a deepened cooperation in the future through more frequent exchanges and communication.

Mr. Priscoli noted that USACE and its Institute for Water Resources attaches great importance to the friendly cooperation with China in the field of water related science and technology. He briefed upon the structures and duties, responsibility distribution and business development of USACE, expecting mutual learning and experience sharing between China and US in water infrastructure construction, water related risk management as well as eco-environment conservation, etc.

Mr. Priscoli lecturing at the Global Vision Forum

Later, Mr. Priscoli lectured at the Global Vision Forum delivering a presentation titled Water Resources in the United States: Perspectives and Challenges on Federalism, River Basin and IWRM. IWHR Chief Engineer Gao Zhanyi chaired the forum. Against the backdrop of institutional context and challenges for water management, following the process of socio-economic development, the presenter gave an overall elaboration about water resources management of US. The presentation provided an economic and social perspective of the history of water resources management from multi-purpose utilization to integrated management of water resource, institutional integration, public and stakeholder involvement, water related disaster risk reduction, and water security etc.

Global Vision Forum

After the presentation, Mr. Priscoli had an academic discussion with the experts of water resources, disaster mitigation and water history of IWHR.

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