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IWMI President Visits IWHR and Signeds MOU on Cooperation


President of International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Mr. Jeremy Bird visited IWHR and signed MOU on cooperation on May 19, 2014.

President Kuang Shangfu met Mr. Bird with a warm welcome and greeting. He briefly reviewed the main areas of cooperation identified by the two parties in the MOU, and expressed his hope of enhancing the personnel exchange, joint research and co-hosting international events through this fixed mechanism. Kuang also offered an invitation for Mr. Bird to lecture at the Global Vision Forum, a well-established lecture series of IWHR given by academic celebrities around the world.

Mr. Bird accepted the invitation with great pleasure. He noted that IWHR and IWMI are highly complementary to each other in many aspects. By signing this MOU, the two parties could further boost their cooperation and share respective experiences. He also introduced the recently made Five Year Development Strategy of IWMI which prioritizes the research about the impact of global climate change on flood control and drought mitigation, the improvement of water productivity, the rational use of both surface and ground water, as well as the conservation of water environment, etc.

The MOU on cooperation between IWHR and IWMI was officially signed at the meeting.

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