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ZHU Bofang

CAE Academician
Elected: 1995


Graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1951, Zhu Bofang is an expert in hydraulic structures in China. In his early years, Zhu Bofang participated in the design of China's first batch of high dams (Foziling Dam, Meishan Dam, and Xianghongdian Dam). His groundbreaking contributions include: creation of the Chinese technology for dam concrete zoning and marking, which enables the saving of great amount of cement in project construction; development of the world’s first thermal stress theory system for concrete dams, which has solved the worldwide problem of “all dams crack”; development of the world’s first digital model and solution method for arch dam optimization, which enables the saving of 10-30% of the dam concrete, and has been applied to the world’s highest arch dams such as Xiaowan, Jinping, Xiluodu and many other large ones, saving more than 2 billion yuan of funds; development of the first-of-its-kind simulation and analysis method for concrete dams, which has greatly improved the stress analysis of concrete dams; development of the first-of-its-kind numerical monitoring method for concrete dams, which has greatly improved the safety monitoring of concrete dams; and development of the concrete creep theory, with two creep theorems and a new creep stress analysis method proposed. He has made the most scientific and technological achievements in China's hydropower industry.

Professional Positions


1 National Natural Science Award & 2 National Science and Technology Progress Awards

National Science and Technology Expert with Outstanding Contributions

Lifetime Achievement Award and Honorary Membership of the ICOLD Congress

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