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IWHR Edits Technical Code for Application of Fly Ash Concrete


IWHR edited the national Technical Code for Application of Fly Ash Concrete (GB/T 50146-2014), which has been published and put into force from January 1, 2015. The original one (GBJ-90) is abolished in the meantime.

The technical code is divided into seven chapters, namely General Provisions, Terminology, Basic Rules, Technical Requirement on Fly Ash, Mixing Ratio of Fly Ash Concrete, Construction with Fly Ash Concrete, Quality Examination of Fly Ash Concrete. In this revised code, environmental protection and security is given more attention with additional technical requirements on the radioactivity, stability and alkali content of the fly ash. Regulation on rate of cement substituted and the over substitution coefficient is cancelled, and limit on maximum admixture volume of is loosened up. In addition to the regulation on maximum admixture volume for different types of cement and concrete, limiting conditions for water-cement ration is also added to the code.

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