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Sediment Detention for Lower Yellow River and Adjustment of “Camel Hump” Section


IWHR’s Department of Sediment Research has completed researches on sediment detention technologies for specific sections of lower Yellow River and adjustment of the “camel hump” section-the Dongbatou-Aishan section in the lower reach of the river that is so named due to its low flood conveying capacity.

Systematic research has been done on the forming process and its influence upon flood control and sediment transport of the “camel hump” section, adjustment mode of the main channel of the lower reach, morphological changes of riverbed surface, as well as the cause and evolving trends of the “camel hump” section. A plan to regulate water and sediment in reservoirs has also been proposed for sediment detention, silt reduction in Xiaolangdi reservoir, and adjustment of the “camel hump” section.

The research output has been applied to the optimization of main channel maintenance as well as the water and sediment regulation in Xiaolangdi reservoir.

The muddy Hukou Falls of Yellow River

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