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Hydro/PV Hybrid System Operates Successfully at Longyangxia Power Generation Project


Beijing IWHR Technology Co., Ltd. (BITC) completed the research and development of  hydro/PV hybrid system and coordination AGC and AVC control strategy, as well as the related control software.

The project on research and application of Hydro/PV Hybrid System for Power Generation at Longyangxia, upstream the Yellow River, which involves one turbine unit of Longyangxia Hydropower Station and a grid-connected photovoltaic station of 320 MW, was successfully accepted in April 2014.

Large-scale centralized photovoltaic power generation that connects to the grid is still in its infancy in China, and the Longyangxia hydro/PV hybrid power generation is the first of its kind. That means few lessons are there to be learned. The successful completion of this project, which focuses on solar power characteristics and power generation, water equilibrium analysis, the connection of PV power to the hydro-turbine, etc, provides valuable experiences for future similar endeavors.

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