WU Wenyong, GONG Shihong, LI Jiusheng, BAI Meijian, WANG Jiandong, LI Yanfeng, ZHAO Weixia, ZHANG Shaohui
The annual water shortage of agriculture is about 30 billion m3 in China. The main indicators of agricultural water and fertilizer utilization rate are equivalent to 60%~70% of the international advanced level. The problem of agricultural water shortage and non-point source pollution is becoming increasingly prominent, which seriously affects national food security and ecological security. This paper focuses on modern irrigation water and fertilizer control principles, technologies and models, and develops modern irrigation and fertilization variable control theory methods, and proposes key technologies such as drip irrigation water and fertilizer control technology for grain and economy crops, variable sprinkler irrigation water and fertilizer control technology, and fine surface irrigation water and fertilizer control technology. Such models have been constructed as water and fertilizer control technology model of film-covered drip irrigation in Northeast grain production area, irrigation water and fertilizer precision control technology model in North China groundwater over-exploitation area, and drip irrigation water and fertilizer coordinated control technology model in arid area of Northwestern China. The benefits of increased yield, water and fertilizer in the application of results are very significant.
Keywords: modern irrigation, water and fertilizer regulation, efficient utilization, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation, application model