XU Zongxue and CHENG Tao
Abstract: Urbanization has a great impact on natural water cycle system and results in a series of problems such as urban water shortage, degeneration of water ecology and environment and water-induced disasters due to unreasonable urban planning, which brings a great challenge to integrated urban water management. The basic theory and technical support for urban water management are urban hydrology and water-related disciplines. "Sponge city", an advanced urban water management strategy, must take the theory of urban hydrology as its guidance, and should be carried out based on urban water cycle. To lay a foundation for the basic theory development of urban water management, the major progresses and achievements on hydrological response to urbanization, mechanisms of urban runoff process, urban stormwater simulation and management are summarized and reviewed in this paper. It is concluded that further studies should pay more attention to the urban hydrometeorological observation and forecasting, hydrological impact of urbanization, urban runoff generation mechanisms, and integrated urban water system model. It is also pointed out that more researches should be carried out to strengthen the basic theories of urban water management and sponge city technology. In urban hydrology, the changing environment background and complex urban water system pose a great challenge to more comprehensive and elaborate modeling and analysis based on interdisciplinary theories.
Keywords: urban water management; urban hydrology; hydrological impact of urbanization; runoff process; water system model