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The research results of hydraulic structures of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research are abundant and leading the world


Abstract: The research results of hydraulic structures of China Institude of Water Resources and Hydropower Research are abundant and leading the world. The methods of computing and control of thermal stresses of concrete dams are developed and there are no cracks in concrete dams at present. The theory of optimization of the shape of arch dams has been developed, so the concrete of arch dams has been reduced by 10%~30%. Methods for stress analysis simulating the construction process of high concrete dams have been developed, so the accuracy of stress analysis is very high which is favourable for improving the quality of design and construction of high concrete dams. Numerical monitoring of concrete dams has been developed which is a new way for improving the safety control of concrete dams. The theory of creep of concrete has been developed, so the influence of creep on the stresses and deformations of concrete structures may be computed.

Keywords:hydraulic structures;concrete dam;thermal stresses;simulating;Finite Element Analysis

(Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2018)

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