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Research on concrete hydraulic structures in the past 6 decades


Abstract: In this paper a brief introduction to major progress in the research on seismic aspects of con-crete hydraulic structures, mainly high dams, conducted at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hy-dropower Research (IWHR) during the past 60 years, is presented. Its three development stages of start-ing, running after and catching up with the world frontiers are reviewed. Some major research achievements are described, such as:seismic input at dam site and defining its site specific seismic parameters, non-lin-ear dynamic parallel analyses of seismic responses and damage-rupture process of dam-foundation-reservoir system by using high-performance ‘cloud computing’, quantitatively evaluating the criterion of the limit state of dam-breach, dynamic model tests on triaxial earthquake simulator with six degrees of freedom, field experimental investigation of dams and seismic monitoring at dam site, study on dynamic behaviors of dam concrete including its damage institution laws by fully-graded specimen tests and investigating its inter-nal cracking pattern using 3-D meso-mechanics analysis and X-ray CT technology, formulating state seis-mic design standard for hydraulic structures, etc. Finally, some comments on updating the conventional seis-mic design idea and methodology are suggested.

Keywords: concrete hydraulic structures; dynamic dam behaviors of concrete; seismic input at dam site; seismic responses;seismic design code;updating conventional design

(Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2018)

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