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Solving power flow equations with secant method


ZHAO Ze, HE Feiyue

Abstract: Power flow analysis is an important method to study power system stability. In order to study the steady operation state under certain conditions, some detailed operations of power system state are presented to the operator by the method of numerical simulation. Power flow calculation is defined to solve power flow equations based on nonlinear system. In the development of power system,there are many excellent power flow algorithms,such as Newton-Raphson method and fast decoupled method. In this paper,secant method is used to overcome the disadvantage of Newton-Raphson method which is sensitive to initial values. The power flow equations which are simplified can be solved exactly,and the method we give does it as fast as fast decoupled method.

Keywords: power system; power flow equations; secant method; optimization

(Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2018)

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