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Study on scale effect of farmland evapotranspiration and relationship with meteorological factors


Authors: LIU Guo-shui, LIU Yu, CAI Jia-bing, XU Di (China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100048, China)

Abstract: This article compared the evapotranspiration values of summer maize measured by lysimeter and eddy covariance, and also analyzed the correlation between meteorological factors and evapotranspiration values of two spatial scales. The evapotranspirations measured by lysimeter and eddy covariance represent observation results in different farmland scales. Study results show that (1) good correlation can be found between the measurement results of lysimeter and eddy covariance, but the daily values measured by lysimeterate significantly higher than that by eddy covariance due to different spatial scales, (2) good correlation can also be found between the evapotranspiration and the net radiation, but the correlations between evapotranspiration and other meteorological factors are dependent on temporal and spatial scales.

Key words: evapotranspiration, lysimeter, eddy covariance, meteorological factors

Published in: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2011

Article ID: 0559-9350 (2011) 03-0284-06
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