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Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Initiated in 1956, the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering is the first academic journal about water China. It is not only one of the most influential water journal in China, ranking first in Chinese core journals of hydraulic engineering, but also with a great reputation in the international community as cited by the renowned Ei Compendex and several other databases.

The Journal examines the latest research progress and outcomes in hydrology and water resources, flood control and disaster mitigation, irrigation and drainage, hydraulics, sediment research, river and port transportation, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic structures and materials, construction and supervision of water conservation and hydropower projects, hydraulic electromechanics, water economy, water environment, water resources history, etc.

All full papers of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, though written in Chinese, have an abstract in English. Visit the official website of the Journal to read more: 


Email: slxb@iwhr.com

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